Freedom Staff

Editorial Team


Freedom Staff represents the collective efforts of our experienced editorial team—dedicated reporters working together to bring you the latest news and investigative journalism in the public interest.



How a Streetwise Kid Grew Up to Transform Her Caribbean Country

Just another urchin in a family of 15 children on the wrong side of life, Carmelita Haynes grew up with a dream to transform Aruba. With determination, pluck and The Way to Happiness, she did just that.


Trust in Media Plummets, Prompting Journalism “Bloodbath”

Media companies are reeling in the wake of plummeting public trust and vanishing profits, prompting what has been called a journalism bloodbath.


Arkansas Voters and AG Move to Strengthen FOIA

If approved by voters, the measure would create a commission to help citizens request government records and penalize agencies that fail to comply with those requests.


USCIRF’s Latest Report—And Why Freedom of Religion Might Be What Brings Us All Together Again

Despite the divisive climate of our era, despite the almost audible sound of our unity ripping apart at the seams, there remains a force that solders Americans together like no other: religious freedom.


A New Beginning for Members of Mexico’s Notorious Cartels

Placing her trust in the basic goodness of people—and The Way to Happiness—Rosalba Cordero is changing inmates’ lives to vanquish the vicious cycle of crime in Mexico.


An Enduring Melody: Preserving the Legacy of the Bowmaker

“The bow is the violin.” To most people, even musicians, all praise is reserved for the instrument played by the bow, the player’s skill or the composer of the score. Yet they are nothing without the bow.


American Psychiatric Association Still Advocating Draconian Torture

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights marched in San Francisco against American psychiatrist’s annual convention.


Lying to the Victims

Marci Hamilton knew legislation she championed in New York would have disastrous ramifications for 90 percent of child sex abuse victims—and she tried in vain to spin culpability with PR.


NFL Hall of Famer Brings the Truth About Drugs to Celebrity Golf Tournament

Tournament participants and spectators at NFL-star-studded event gain Truth About Drugs education materials to help youth in their lives.


Hamilton Objects: There’s “Too Much Religious Liberty”

Marci Hamilton is dogged by her nemesis—the Religious Freedom Restoration Act—and the religious liberty she has fought against for decades.