For every person addicted to drugs there is a shattered family. This was the message of the Taiwanese throngs who walked through the streets of Kaohsiung City in March of 2017. The walk was sponsored by the city’s police bureau, the International Lions Club and the Church of Scientology Kaohsiung, with participation from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

The city’s police force did an elaborate job of entertaining the onlookers. Their offerings included a show from the Police Tour Horse Riding Team, followed by a parade of the Police Heavy Motorcycle unit. Not to be outdone, the City Police Bo-Da Special Task Team showed off their martial arts combat skills with a performance that was both gymnastic and ballet-like. The final police-sponsored crowd pleaser was a demonstration by the Bo-Shan drug detective dogs.

The local kids got into the act, too. The Chien-Shan Elementary School Samba Drum Team entertained onlookers with their stirring beats. They were followed by the Feng-Shian Junior High School Taiko Drum Team.
Called the “Drug-Free By Me” anti-drug walk, the event stressed its message that drugs not only harm the mental and physical health of users, but create a calamity for friends and family of the users as well. Special attention was given to the disturbing trend among the very young to take drugs. This is amplified by the fact that drugs now come packaged in candies and cookies, which have begun to claim even the children in Taiwan.
The city’s chief prosecutor, Chang-Chin Chou, spoke to participants and onlookers about how young people can resist peer pressure and refuse drugs. Afterward the onlookers and the parade members flooded the numerous food stands and attractions, sharing in the anti-drug health campaign.